速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Giotto Artworks Stickers

Giotto Artworks Stickers


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Giotto Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 135 stickers of Giotto Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- The Trial by Fire, St. Francis offers to walk through fire, to convert the Sultan of Egypt

- Confirmation of the Rule

- Dream of the Palace

- Exorcism of the Demons at Arezzo

- Miracle of the Crucifix

- Pentecost

- St. Francis Giving his Mantle to a Poor Man

- St. Francis Preaching a Sermon to Pope Honorius III

- St. Francis Preaching to the Birds

- St. Francis Renounces all Worldly Goods

- The Dream of Innocent III

- The Miracle of the Spring

- The Vision of the Thrones

- Vision of the Flaming Chariot

- Apparition to Fra Agostino and to Bishop Guido of Arezzo

- Ascension of Christ

- Canonization of St Francis

- Death and Ascension of St. Francis

- Dream of St. Gregory

- Ecstasy of St. Francis

- Madonna and Child

- Madonna and Child

- St. Francis Honoured by a Simple Man

- St. Francis Mourned by St. Clare

- St. Francis of Assisi Preparing the Christmas Crib at Grecchio

- St. Francis Receiving the Stigmata

- St. Jerome Checking the Stigmata on the Body of St. Francis

- St. Paul

- St. Paul

- Stigmatization of St. Francis

- The Apparition at the Chapter House at Arles

- The Crucifixion

- The Death of the Knight of Celano

- Death and Ascension of St. Francis (detail)

- Badia Polyptych

- Christ Before Caiaphas

- Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet

- The Ascension

- The Baptism of Christ

- The Dream of Joachim

- The Entry into Jerusalem

- The Marriage of the Virgin

- The Massacre of the Innocents

- The Road to Calvary

- The Virgin's Wedding Procession

- Adoration of the Magi

- Annunciation to St Anne

- Annunciation: The Angel Gabriel Sent by God

- Annunciation: The Virgin Receiving the Message

- Christ among the Doctors

- Desperation

- Envy

- Expulsion of the Money-changers

- Flagellation

- Flight into Egypt

- God Sends Gabriel to the Virgin

- Inconstancy

- Infidelity

- Injustice

- Joachim among the Shepherds

- Joachim's Sacrificial Offering

- Judas Receiving Payment for his Betrayal

- Lamentation (The Mourning of Christ)

- Last Judgment

- Last Supper

- Marriage at Cana

- Nativity. Birth of Jesus

- Pentecost

Giotto Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Presentation of Christ at the Temple

- Raising of Lazarus

- Rejection of Joachim's Sacrifice

- Resurrection (Noli me tangere)

- The Arrest of Christ (Kiss of Judas)

- The Bringing of the Rods to the Temple

- The Meeting at the Golden Gate

- The Suitors Praying

- Visitation

- Adoration of the Magi

- Wrath

- Madonna in Maest (Ognissanti Madonna)

- Pentecost

- The Death of the Virgin

- Nacelle

- Crucifixion

- Peruzzi Altarpiece

- The Crucifixion

- The Crucifixion

- Annunciation to Zacharias

- Ascension of the Evangelist

- Christ Among the Doctors

- Feast of Herod

- Flight into Egypt

- Nativity

- Presentation of Christ in the Temple

- Raising of Drusiana

- Raising of the Boy in Sessa

- Return of Christ to Jerusalem

- St John on Patmos

- St. Francis Renouncing his Worldly Goods

- The Adoration of the Magi

- The Crucifixion

- The Death of the Boy in Sessa

- The Epiphany

- The Massacre of the Innocents

- The Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple

- Trial by Fire of St. Francis of Assisi before the Sultan of Egypt

- Crucifixion

- Descent into Limbo

- Entombment

- Last Supper

- Saint Stephen

- St John the Evangelist

- St Lawrence

- St. Francis Appears to St. Anthony in Arles

- St. John Evangelist

- St. Stephen

- The Crucifixion

- The Death of St. Francis

- Crucifixion

- Madonna and Child

- The Crucifixion

- The Stefaneschi Triptych

- Baroncelli Polyptych

- Polyptych

- The Crucifixion

- Charity

- Confirmation of the Rule

- Faith

- Foolishness

- Fortitude

- Hope

- Isaac Rejecting Esau

- Isaac Blessing Jacob

- Justice

- Madonna and Child

- Prudence

- Temperance

Giotto Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- The Birth of St. John the Baptist and his father Zacha...

Giotto Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad